Glee Club
Pacific Beach Elementary offers an after-school vocal program for any 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader with teacher and parent permission. GLEE CLUB meets from 2:15 to 3:15 p.m. every Friday in the music room. GLEE CLUB has many opportunities to perform both at the school and off campus.
Instrumental Music Instruction
Pacific Beach Elementary also offers instrumental music instruction for 4th and 5th graders. Interested students select an instrument of their choice (band or string) and receive group instruction on Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning for about one hour. An assembly is held at the beginning of the year to introduce the instruments that are taught and where instruments can be rented. A combined concert with all of the above groups is performed annually.
Every student must have a musical instrument and method book. Instruments and method books can be provided by the district; however, instrument choice will depend on the instruments available at the time of the request. If you prefer your children to have their choice of instrument, own their own method books and not have to share with other students, you may choose to rent or purchase an instrument and method book for this program.
Should you choose to acquire an instrument on your own, here are a couple of tips to help you:
1. Use an instrument that has been in the family. Be sure to have it serviced and in playing order.
2. Rent or purchase from a local music store. Check the Yellow Pages or go on line to find a retailer nearest you.
3. Purchase an instrument off the Internet. Best to consider choosing brand names.
If you would like assistance with acquiring an instrument, please contact the music teacher. The music teacher has access to a limited supply of district-provided musical instruments. Students do not always get their first choice of instrument or musical experience; however, all students who wish to participate will be given the opportunity.