Nationally Mandated Testing
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), grade 4.
State Mandated Testing
Includes the SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium)--given to students 3-5th grade
California English Language Development Test (CELDT) monitors the progress of English learners. Grades K-5.
FITNESSGRAM: Physical Fitness Test for grade 5.
Special Education Testing
Parents may request that a district psychologist and resource specialist evaluate their children for learning disabilities. Requests are to be made to the principal. A Student Study Team (SST) will meet with the parent or guardian to determine next steps.
NWEA MAP--School site purchased assemssment that monitors language usage, mathematics, and reading comprehension. The test in norm-referenced and adapts to determine the RIT score for every student. This test allows for teachers and students to learn strengths and to determine gaps in learning. This test is given at least twice a year, TK-5th grade.